Kamloops Communications stocks a wide range of accessories to enhance the functionality of your radio. Remote Speaker Microphones put the audio right next to your ear and the microphone/press-to-talk in a very handy location, plus they extend the lifespan of the radio by reducing weather exposure and reducing the potential for drops.
Extra capacity batteries can increase talk and standby times. In addition, many 2-way radios are now BlueTooth enabled, so we are seeing more accessories with that functionality. Call or email us for all the details.
Impact produces a full line of radio accessories, including hearing-protection headsets, surveillance audio kits, and remote speaker microphones. In addition, we offer their AC/DC line of charging stations, available for single radios, three radio, or six radio models. These chargers operate off either 12 or 110 volt power, and have additional USB charging ports for any other devices you need to charge.